Staycation: Blue Mountain Edition


This might be unbelievable to you BUT I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO BLUE MOUNTAIN!!!! Until now, that is! This is basically unheard of if you live in the GTHA and have a little bit of adventure in your bones 😅 If you know me well, you probably know why I’ve never been until now!

If you don’t know me,


I completely hate the cold! I hate being cold & dressing for the cold! Ever since becoming an adult who has to go places and do things every single day I now despise snow .. it just makes living in this already tough world SOO much harder! Since all of my friends back in the day would go to Blue Mountain for skiing or snowboarding or cold but hot spa days I always took a hard pass but now I’m starting a new trend! Well, new to me & my friend group! Going to Blue Mountain when there’s no snow!!! 🤣

There’s so much to do in the summer and the fall, why wouldn’t you want to experience the slope a whole new way? The first thing that blew me away was the drive up to Collingwood to get to Blue Mountain! We opted not to take the highway so we could take our time and it was the best decision!

If you aren’t in a hurry, I’d suggest taking it easy and not taking the highway AKA the concrete jungle. It’s much more chill! Plus!!! I didn’t get to take pictures BUT I saw horses and goats on the way up and it was soooooo cool to just see them doing their horsey and goatey thing! Speaking of breathtaking views, we had the best room at Westin Trillium! I’m convinced!

Day 1

We stayed at the Westin Trillium House and as you can see from the above pictures, we had the most AMAZING view! Our room overlooked the village which is surrounded by trees and foliage! During the day it looked bright and fresh and in the evening it lit up and came alive with twinkly lights which came naturally from all the restaurants but some of them added a rustic and beautiful touch by stringing lights along their patios! The first day, we explored the village, browsed shops and checked out the restaurant scene. We topped off the evening with a stroll atop the mountain. Take a look!


Day 2 involved Breakfast at Oliver & Bonnacini which is located right inside the Westin (we loved the easy access!!!) and breakfast was delicious! One thing we didn’t realize is that walking in won’t always guarantee you a spot so book your reservations to make sure you’re able to head here for breakfast and dinner!

We needed that fuel at breakfast because the next thing we did… needed WAY more energy, core work and arm power than I thought!


First of all, WHO AM I???? Second of all, WHO AM I NOW!?!?! Because now I want to get into a kayak and zip along the river! It was my first time doing this water activity and I’m actually so proud of myself because

  1. I have a fear of deep water

  2. I didn’t fall in!!!! AMEN because my hair would not have made it

    If you know, you know

    After that excitement, we drove over to a local bakery where we got pie and cookies! We got our fill of sugar and then went back to the hotel for the crash!!

I love that we can nap and just do a 2 minute walk over to a restaurant, booster juice, Starbucks, wherever to get whatever our heart desired! We decided to go get some lunch and drinks at Firehall Pizza Co.! The servers were dressed in fire uniforms which I thought was a nice touch. I had the BBQ Chicken Pizza and my fiancé opted for a Zucchini Pasta dish! Both delicious!



We had play all day passes so we did as MANY activities as possible which didn’t include heights too much. My fiancé has a phobia of heights and only allowed me to choose one activity that made us go into the mountains and that was the Agora: Path of Light, hahah! He was okay with going on the Ridge Runner Mountain Coaster! We couldn't take our phones out so I have no pictures or videos of that BUT I do have some footage of us going through the Cascade Putting Course AND riding the Mill Pond Trykes!! That was SO fun!

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Is there a place you’ve been DYING to go to that’s in your own backyard? What’s stopping you… and can I come? LOL!