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hey, I’m Steph! the ceo of she auto know, on-air host and content creator

I take pride in being a multi-dimensional individual!

I LOVE fashion, makeup, travel, content creation… and then there’s this automotive side that tends to surprise people — that even surprised ME! A few years ago, all of my worlds collided and I decided it was time to embody them all.

I’m the creator of She Auto Know, a company created so women won’t be taken for a ride (literally and metaphorically) UNLESS… they literally want to be. My business was created with the intention of disseminating information through content creation, working with different automotive partners and hosting events on vehicles and the automotive industry in a way that makes the space seem less daunting. I want to share what most of us REALLY want to know. For luxury, exotics and super cars — is it cute, does it go fast and can I try it to everyday cars — is it cute, is it safe, how much space does it have, and will it make my life easier. Asking and answering the REAL questions… haha!

Now, over the years, talking cars on television has shown me that one problem remains the same. Most people don’t know the basics when it comes to car maintenance. How to change tires, oil, fluid, light bulbs, etc. or how to get themselves out of a car related emergency. They all have one inspiring thing in common though — they want to learn. I’m here to be that vehicle for change, and we’re going to do this thing together!

Hop in the passenger seat and join me on this ride.

Fo(rev)er yours,


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